A New Beginning

The children started off with a puzzle piece hunt and managed to locate all the parts bar one and create a map of the world. We reminded ourselves that God created the perfect world but humans failed and brought sin and death into that perfect place. Time passed and humans just got worse and worse […]

A Terrible Lie

After an energetic game of snakes and ladders we continued with our Jesus Storybook Bible. Last week the children heard about the beautiful and perfect creation God made. Sadly this week we discover that Adam and Eve listened to a terrible lie and so that perfect creation was broken and sin entered the world bringing […]


Rocks & Topz are starting on a journey through the Bible, using Sally Lloyd-Jones’ The Jesus Storybook Bible. Each child receives their own copy of this Bible when they’ve attended Rocks & Topz for 10 weeks. This week they looked at the story of creation. They talked about how the world was empty, but God […]

Nativity Club: Visiting the Baby

This week, we had fun making gift boxes. Each one had a mini message and a little treat hidden inside. Hopefully, some of them will actually be given to a recipient rather than just gobbled by the children! We then spent the rest of the session practising for the nativity service. Rooted came to help […]

Nativity Club: Getting There

The children started by making a nativity scene from lolly sticks, then decorated some pretty star shaped tea light holders. You can see some below. We thought about some of the journeys that people made that first Christmas – the shepherds having a very little way to go, and the wise men taking more than […]

Nativity Club: Send an Angel

The children started by making some very shiny stars. It was a bit fiddly at times, but the kids all did a great job, and it was lovely to see them helping each other with some of the tricky bits! They played a game where the children were split into 3 groups around the room. […]

Nativity Club: A Long Time Coming

Christmas is coming and Nativity Club has started! The children began by making some fabulous craft angels. You can see some of them below including a few double sided. We all had fun with water, Lego, dice and rescuing some drowning people. Some children also were brave enough to put their hands into bags of […]

The Healing of the Ten Lepers

Today’s story involved 10 lepers and we started off with a ‘hopping on one leg and not touching one another’ game to get a glimpse of the difficulty of life for those with this disease. We looked at some pictures and talked about how those with leprosy were treated and how in Jesus’ time they […]


This week, Rocks and Topz looked at the story of Bartimaeus. Even though he was just one person in a huge crowd, Jesus saw him and helped him. They talked about how Jesus sees and knows all of us, too! They used paper plates to make happy/sad faces to show how Bartimaeus must have felt […]

Walking on the Water

After a fun game of swimming to the islands we heard the story of Jesus spending time alone with God and then miraculously walking on the water to his disciples. They were on the lake, at first terrified to see a figure coming towards them! Jesus called out, ‘take courage! It is me. Don’t be […]