Giving to Forefront Community Church and Centre

The work of Forefront Community Church, including activities at the Forefront Community Centre, are mostly funded by donations from members of the church and other partners, with some remittances coming from room hire at the Centre. We do not require or invite payment from recipients of any of the services we provide.

Most of those who support our work do so by giving regularly through Standing Orders. To get the bank details you’ll need for this (sort code, account name and number), pop in or give the office a call on 01460 66080, email, or ask any member of the Welcome Team on a Sunday morning.

You may also make cash donations. On a Sunday morning, drop it into the ‘Offering’ box, either in an envelope marked with your name, or anonymously. Or give it to the receptionist at Forefront Centre any weekday morning, when you will be given a receipt.

If you are a tax payer, we can claim an extra 25% on top of your regular or one-off donation if you fill in a Gift Aid form. You have already paid this money in tax, so it is costs you no more, but can be a significant boost to our income. Click to download the Gift Aid form.

Note that our receptionists also accept cash donations for the Lord’s Larder, so please make it clear if that is what you wish to contribute to. To find other ways to give to Lord’s Larder, see their webpage.