Forefront Focus for 2025

In our Vision Sunday meeting, the first Sunday of the year, we launched this year’s theme verse and focus. Drawn from 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, we are exploring the depths of the new creation made possible by Jesus’s death on the Cross; the work he has done to reconcile all who will have faith in him […]

Christmas services

Join us for our Christmas celebrations: 27th Nov, 10.30am – Nativity Service 8th Dec, 6.30pm – Carol Service (with the Zembard Singers and Little Cellos) 22nd Dec, 6.30pm – Focus on a Song 25th Dec, 10.30am – Christmas Day Service All services held at Holyrood Academy, Upper Site Hall

Chard Churches on Halloween

Chard Churches Together are offering a couple of activities on Halloween night along with other businesses and organisations on 31st October. The roads will be shut between 6-8pm leaving youngsters and their families with the opportunity to enjoy Halloween as a community. Forefront Community Centre will be open for young people to make a pumpkin […]

Lego Morning

We are excited to have the Lego robotics club Just the Chillis come and join us on Tues 29th October, during half term. National finalists in the First Lego League, they will demonstrate this year’s robot and challenge as well as let you have a go at coding. As if that weren’t enough, we’ll also […]

Nativity Club

Every year, Forefront Community Church runs a 4-week programme for primary-school-aged children in the build up to Christmas, culminating in the opportunity for children to take part in performing a play at our nativity service. Filled with games, Christmas crafts and the chance to learn about the story of Jesus’ birth, the children have a […]

Carnival @ Forefront

Once again, Forefront Community Centre will be opening for carnival night as a warm space offering free tea, coffee and cakes as well as the use of a toilet. From 6.30-7.30pm families will be able to take part in a craft activity. We’re strategically placed along the carnival route, so why not pop your head […]

Mission Showcase

Come along to a Sunday morning with a difference. We’re inviting 16 of our mission partners/organisations to come and showcase the work that they do. There will be tables to browse and partners available to chat as well as a short talk from a couple who serve in Spain and opportunities to worship together. Afterwards, […]

Family Craft Morning

Worried about what to do in the summer holidays? Why not come along to our Family Craft Morning on Tues 13th August, 10am-12pm? Tea, coffee and tasty nibbles and some engaging craft activities.