John the Baptist

This week, we heard about a relative of Jesus – John the Baptist. He was called to prepare the way for Jesus and to tell others of the coming King. Some loved him…but many did not, nor did they like the fact that he pointed out their wrongdoings. He spent a lot of time in […]

Family Craft Morning

Worried about what to do in the summer holidays? Why not come along to our Family Craft Morning on Tues 13th August, 10am-12pm? Tea, coffee and tasty nibbles and some engaging craft activities.


This week in Rocks and Topz we were learning about Job. When things were brilliant or when things were awful, he chose to praise God! And even though he never found out why he went through so much suffering, he learned that he could trust God no matter how he was feeling. We also talked […]


We tried to work out what some small and unusual objects might be useful for or what purpose they had. The children did really well – can you? Afterwards, moving from table to table and exploring different items from the story, we heard about the life of Esther and had a banquet of grapes at […]

Rebuilding the Walls

This week, Rocks & Topz were looking at the story of Nehemiah, and how he helped the people of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem when they returned from exile. This wasn’t an easy job, as lots of people didn’t want them to finish the walls. The people ended up building with one hand, and […]

How to Forefront – Joining In

The last of our How to Forefront videos looks at how you can get involved – what Sunday mornings look like for those in the main service as well as the activities that we have on offer for our young people. We hear from members of our church community about what it means for them […]

How to Forefront – Leadership

Leadership at Forefront is not about power and prestige, but about service. It takes on many different forms in our church, but all our leaders are volunteers – from our church leadership team, our trustees, lifegroup leaders and those that coordinate different groups, like our worship team. Hear from these different leaders in the fourth […]

How to Forefront – Outward Looking

William Temple famously said, ‘The Church exists primarily for the sake of those who are still outside it.’ This video explains the many ways that Forefront seeks to serve those outside of the congregation – from youth work to world mission, supporting the work of Chard’s food bank, and running a community centre that houses […]

How to Forefront – Faith in Action

In the next of our How to Forefront videos, we delve into the history of our church, with its roots going back to 1882 at Combe Street Gospel Hall and the Brethren movement. We also hear about how we have developed as a church, what we believe in and the importance of our children’s work.