
We tried to work out what some small and unusual objects might be useful for or what purpose they had. The children did really well – can you?

Afterwards, moving from table to table and exploring different items from the story, we heard about the life of Esther and had a banquet of grapes at the end. God chose Esther for a purpose and along with her uncle Mordecai God used them to save the Jews. Small beginnings, but faith and trust in God made big things happen. The children made some fab Esther, Mordecai or King Xerxes spoons.

Think about…

Each child had a large balloon on which to write the name of someone to pray for this week. Think about the fact that a balloon, although it is small, can be filled with air to make it useful. How can we be filled so that God can use us for his purpose? Do we have to wait to be an adult?

Posted in Kids.

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