Carol Concert – see the video!

On 20 December 2020 we held two consecutive open-air, COVID-safe Carol Concerts for members and friends at the beautiful Monks Yard premises near Ilminster, Somerset. This is the recording of the first part. Nick (guitar and vocals), Becs (keyboard), Kira (vocals) and Ness (flute) led us, with remarks from Nigel. The event was organised with […]

Alpha Course

Alpha is a course that gives you opportunity to ask life’s big questions and explore the Christian faith. Over a period of weeks we have opportunity to discuss and question together. We’re planning for it to be online – if we’re able to do in person it’s a bonus – and for a mid-January start. Please get in touch […]

Christmas Services 2020

25th Christmas day – Zoom  This Christmas morning we will be celebrating together at 10:30am for approximately 40minutes (leaving plenty of time to tend to the turkey!). We will be zooming into lounges around Chard to share in the excitement of gifts received by young and old and remembering the greatest gift of all, given […]

Carol Service

Our Carol Service will be held this year at Monks Yard on Sunday 20 December. We will be holding two short services back to back of carols, readings and a short Christmas message. Spaces are limited so you must book a ticket. Click the links to book your free space. Link to book for the […]

ForeCast Nativity special! 13th December

Hi everyone, Join us on Sunday for our special ForeCast, Nativity Online! We’ll be continuing our New Beginnings series by thinking about the New King, we’ll take a look at the Christmas story (brilliantly animated by Ben S) and will be hearing the children’s thoughts about some of the people involved in the first Christmas. […]

ForeCast 6th December – A New Kingdom

Thanks for joining us on Sunday for this week’s ForeCast. We continued our ‘New Beginnings’ series as David talked to us about ‘A New Kingdom’. Jane led the service, including an act of Communion. “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in […]

ForeCast 29 November – A New Home

Thanks for joining our ForeCast service on Sunday, as David led us in the second in the series on New Beginnings. Richard Coles spoke on the theme of A New Home. During the service we worshipped together, listened to readings from the Bible and learned from Martyna and Allan as they shared their experience of A […]

ForeCast 22 November

This Sunday (22nd November) please join Becky and Christine as they lead the service. You can use this link to join us. For the next few weeks our focus will be New Beginnings, and this Sunday we’ll be looking at being New Creations. Tiff, from Wellsprings in Taunton, will be sharing with us, we’ll share scripture, pray together and […]

ForeCast 15 November

Thanks for joining us on Sunday (15th November), when Abbie and Martin led the service. You can still see it again, or catch up for the first time.  The focus was on living in readiness for the return of Jesus. David spoke on Matthew 24 1-14, 36-44.

ForeCast 8th November – spiritual PPE

Thank you for joining us for ForeCast last Sunday as we continued studying Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Jo shared with us from Ephesians 6 v 10-24 on Living as Children of Light – with Personal Protective Equipment. We heard from various members of our congregation – including one in Space! Jane led the service […]