… our daily bread …

We are half way through our six week series on ‘praying the Lord’s prayer’, and it has been enriching. This Sunday (10:30am, Chard Guildhall) we are looking at the faith request, “give us today our daily bread”.  In the last few weeks we have seen God answering a number of prayers for the church (expect […]

Help us find the lost sheep!

These sheep need your help! They are lost in the shops of Chard. You can help them by completing the Sheep Treasure Trail at Chard Festival. Entry forms can be collected from outside Chard Baptist Church on Sat 21 July (9.30am-12.30pm) where there will also be fun sheep crafts, opportunity to learn why Jesus compared […]

Marker of talent

Sometimes, after a Friday night meeting of Forefront’s Unite youth club, we can’t wipe the whiteboard clean quickly enough! And sometimes, you just don’t want to wipe it off at all. That was the case after youth member Henry Atkinson-Body stunned everyone by picking up a marker pen and sketching this portrait of Cap’n Jack […]

Peter’s wobbly moment

Peter walks on the water, with Jesus and their boat … all modelled in a cup of jelly. Children from Rocks ‘n Topz had fun this week making their own Lake Galilee (or is that Jellilee?)

Children of all ages are welcome to join us each Sunday morning at Chard Guildhall for our traditional Sunday School, with crèche for younger kids and the 180 youth group for those over 11.

Board directors

It takes a lot of smart people working hard behind the scenes to get the Sunday service at Chard Guildhall going each week – set up, projection, children’s church, sound, catering and more. Here, Pete and Philip put the sound board through its paces.

Conversation pieces

Why do biscuits have people talking at Forefront Centre? Today’s English language conversation class discussed weights, measures, food and cookery … and concluded by making some biscuits. Yum! If you know someone with English as a second language who’d like an opportunity to chat in small groups with real, local English speakers, they are welcome […]

Staycation photos by Kira

Here are some fun reminders of our time together at the amazing 2018 Staycation in the beautiful Monks Yard Conference Centre at Horton Manor near Ilminster. Thanks to Kira Marsh for this collection of photographs. If you were there and took any pictures you want to add to our collection, please send them over!

Forefront at MY this Sunday

Don’t forget, as the culmination of our Staycation weekend, we will be at Monks Yard, Horton Cross, for our Sunday morning meeting this week. Anyone who was planning to join us at Chard Guildhall is very welcome to join us at Horton Manor instead. (Call in advance if you’d like help with transport.) As much […]

Leading questions

We’ve updated the leadership page … find out how Forefront leadership works, and who to go to with a question. Members can find ministry leaders, Life Group leaders, trustees, staff and the leadership team through the contact sheet, and anyone can get in touch at Forefront Centre.