Let justice roll!

We’re starting a new Sunday series based on major themes in the Old Testament book of Amos. Get a head-start on each talk for the next five weeks by downloading the notes from our Series Notes page. In the notes, you’ll find 10 facts to help you understand that whole book. In a brief summary […]

You’re invited to Alpha!

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of Christianity. Each session starts with food and looks at a different question that people may have about faith. It is designed to create conversation. All welcome and no questions barred!

Where’s your treasure?

Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail! (Luke 12:33) Find out what this purse has to teach us. Next Sunday morning, Chard Guildhall, from 10:30am, all welcome.

Flourishing in prayer

After launching Forefront Flourish 2020 on Sunday, we met to pray for the vision on Thursday. For those who came, the photo shows our memory-jogging items. If you didn’t make it – why not ask someone who did what each item stood for? To learn more about our focus this year, read the Vision Sunday handout, […]

Forefront Flourish 2020

Our Vision for 2020 includes two elements: ‘Flourishing’ – implying growth, dramatic gestures, reaching into new places … and yes, trumpets! “It is a day for you to sound the trumpets!” – Numbers 29:1 ‘Declaring’ – the Church represents a people “chosen to declare the praises of him who called us out of the darkness”, […]

Present for Christmas

Friend-of-Forefront Jorge Santos brought along a cake to our “Present For Christmas” meeting on Sunday 22nd December. Themed with our “Christmas – The Big Question” logo, it was declared baubalicious by everyone who tasted it. Jorge, a citizen of Sao Tome, is the longest-attending member of our English language conversation class. He and his wife […]

We went on a journey

… and it really was a big one! The Forefront Christmas Nativity service recreated the timeless account of the birth of Jesus in rhyme and rhythm, as shepherds, angels, wise men, Mary and Joseph, and even God himself, go on life-changing journeys. The question for us is – are we also on a journey into […]

Make some noise for Advent!

A full band from Forefront launched Advent with a musical enquiry into the Big Question behind the 2000 year success of Christmas. Children helped us uncover the clues, others read testimonies from witnesses, and we pieced together a story which puts Jesus Christ at the centre of the story. Next week – all are welcome […]

The BIG question this Christmas

People ask What, if anything, really happened at Christmas. Visitors to Bethlehem still like to ponder Where it took place. Theologians argue over How the story fits together. A post-Christian society asks Why Christmas matters. But the Big Question which has kept this celebration alive for 2000 years is (as the carol puts it) Who is he in yonder stall? Please join us […]