Jesus Heals!

This week in Rocks and Topz the children had two stories for the price of one! They heard about how Jairus went to Jesus because his daughter was ill. On the way to help, Jesus healed a woman who’d been ill for 12 years. By the time he got to Jairus’s house, the little girl […]

The Man with the Wibbly Wobbly Legs

This week in Rocks & Topz we started off by thinking about what makes a good friend. We drew round one of the children, then thought about stone of the things we can do to be a good friend to others. We then heard a story about four people who were very good friends to […]

Water into Wine

Yesterday after a wine race game (no wine involved!), we chatted about weddings and the children gave ideas on what is needed and weddings they had been to. We then heard the story of Jesus performing his first miracle at a wedding. Turning water into wine! The children made some amazing pictures with a secret […]


After a game of ‘what’s the time Mr Snake’ we learnt about some of Saul’s (Paul) life story. We acted out how he changed from wanting to destroy Christians to meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. How he was used to heal people and his first time in prison when God sent an earthquake […]


This week, the children started with a game, taking the Christians from Jerusalem out to lots of different towns and cities. They learned that the early church grew by people becoming Christians in one place (often Jerusalem at the beginning) then taking the message of Good News back to their own towns and villages. Of […]

James and John

This week the children learned about how Jesus called James and John to follow him – pretty much the same story as last week when he called Peter! We talked about how John ended up being a biographer for Jesus, writing what he’d seen during his time with Jesus. They also found out that he […]


This week we took a brief look at Peter’s story, how he met Jesus after an unsuccessful fishing trip and how he left everything to follow Jesus. We talked about how Jesus calls us to follow him too, and how sometimes that might mean giving up things that are important to us. However, at that point […]


After a quick game with a saboteur element we looked at the story of Judas. One of the disciples who was close to Jesus and part of the group. Judas had the teaching of Jesus, he saw the miracles. He loved Jesus but sadly he loved something else more – money. Despite seeming to be […]

Mary Magdalene

This Sunday, Rocks and Topz looked at Mary Magdalene and how her broken and difficult life was completely transformed by Jesus. She spent time travelling on the road with Jesus and his disciples. She was present when Jesus was crucified but in an amazing encounter she was the first person to see Jesus after he […]