Back to school!

Let’s play a game!

Why do you try harder at some things than others? Does God expect us to try hard at things? Yes, he wants us to always do our best! Why might that be?

Talk about it

Why do you think the boy gave Jesus his lunch? Was it a big lunch?  Might he have wondered whether his little bit of food would do any good? How do you think he felt when he saw what Jesus did with it?

We can sometimes feel like we can’t do something very well or have very much to give. But Jesus can take even the smallest things and turn them into big things!

Remember it

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…” Colossians 3:23

  • No matter what we are doing, who should we assume we are doing it for?
  • How should that affect our attitude?
  • How can you do your school work as if you are doing it for God? What would that mean?
  • If you work hard because you are working for God, what other benefits might that have?

Try to remember this verse as you go to school, spend time at home, play with your friends or do your homework! When you’re asked to do something this week, at home or at school, think about how you would do that thing if Jesus was asking you to do it.


Dear God,

thank you that you can help us to do great things even if we feel like we don’t have much to offer. Please help me to remember that you are with me everywhere I go this week. And please help me to remember that everything I do can be done for you.


Things to do

Colour this picture of the memory verse. Use it to help you remember!

Use play dough to make 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Then see how many tiny pieces you can break them in to!

Don’t wait to be asked – how many helpful or kind things could you do for people this week? Make a list of some ideas then start doing them!

Complete a word search or two!

Next week

Join us at Monks Yard for Bible stories, fun and games! If you need more information, email or

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