Life Group review

Much of the pastoral, social and spiritual life of Forefront Church takes place in our seven Life Groups, which take place across Chard on different week nights. We invited members to meet together on Monday night for a “20,000 mile service”, to test our assumptions and make sure they are still firing on all cylinders. […]

Staycation at Monk’s Yard

  Please come and join us for a fun weekend at Monk’s Yard. This is a weekend of opportunities… …for prayer and worship Time to pause and sing on Saturday morning, a praise celebration in the evening, and a combined service with Monk’s Yard Church on Sunday morning. …to give back “Love MY” will be […]

Easter at Forefront

Celebrate Easter with us at Forefront. Coffee Morning Easter Special –  Wednesday 28th March, 10.45am at Forefront Community Centre – Quiz, drama,songs and words explaining the meaning of the Cross followed by lunch – soup, rolls and hot cross buns. Everyone is welcome! Good Friday Walk of Witness – Members of all Chard churches will gather […]

Screen challenge #3

How is it going with your screen wisdom challenges?  On Sunday, Laura and Phil asked, “How do I know I’ve got real friends?” You can hear their conclusions on the Sermon Audio page of the website. Meanwhile, they left us all with the challenge which the 180 folk tried last week – “Make time to […]

Twiddling for Cairo

Forefront members and friends knitted and sewed ‘twiddle-mitts’ for elderly Cairo residents in cognitive decline and sent them through our resident friends, Emma and Ben. Designed to give recipients fun things to fiddle with, in a way which maintains physical and mental skills, the need for mitts was met by 15-20 crafty knitters.   Pictured: […]

Screen challenge #2

Here’s the challenge we were set on Sunday morning after Jo spoke on “I’m too busy, but what am I achieving?” Achieve a new ‘screen balance’ this week. Ensure the number of hours you spend doing something “good and virtuous” (however you define that … Bible study, prayer, talking to your family, visiting others, exercise […]

Screen wisdom

Newly added – series notes for our six week season on ‘Screen Wisdom’. Are our screens – phone, tablet, computer, TV – a tool for connection and communication, or an attention-hogging addiction? Can we use them wisely and master them? We turn to the ancient book of Proverbs to shed light on this most modern […]

Together with others

Part of our Vision statement is that we ‘… work together with others in Chard …’. Last year it was a privilege to work with our fellow churches in Chard and District on important projects like the Lord’s Larder food bank (now a charity in its own right); Street Pastors; Messy Church; Thy Kingdom Come prayer […]

A fragrant year!

We have begun digging into the Bible to work out what our theme for 2018 means to us – “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere” (Second Corinthians, chapter two, verse 14). Check out […]