John the Baptist

This week, we heard about a relative of Jesus – John the Baptist. He was called to prepare the way for Jesus and to tell others of the coming King. Some loved him…but many did not, nor did they like the fact that he pointed out their wrongdoings. He spent a lot of time in […]


This week in Rocks and Topz we were learning about Job. When things were brilliant or when things were awful, he chose to praise God! And even though he never found out why he went through so much suffering, he learned that he could trust God no matter how he was feeling. We also talked […]


We tried to work out what some small and unusual objects might be useful for or what purpose they had. The children did really well – can you? Afterwards, moving from table to table and exploring different items from the story, we heard about the life of Esther and had a banquet of grapes at […]

Rebuilding the Walls

This week, Rocks & Topz were looking at the story of Nehemiah, and how he helped the people of Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem when they returned from exile. This wasn’t an easy job, as lots of people didn’t want them to finish the walls. The people ended up building with one hand, and […]

Adventure Ahoy! Holiday Club 2023

It’s time to go searching for treasure and adventure at Holiday Club 2023! Holiday club will be returning to Holyrood School this summer from Mon 31 July – Fri 4 Aug Save the date and join us for a week of games, drama, music, crafts and lots more. Use the QR code to book your […]

Living generously!

Hi everyone! This week we are looking at Living Generously – take a look at this. To see the next session of our story from Acts 4 watch the video below. It is introduced by Colin the coin collector. Think about How exciting that the group of people who believe in Jesus has grown from […]

Peter & John

Hello and welcome back! Last week Jane told us about when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. The disciples and people who had been following Jesus were changed from a very scared, nervous bunch, to a group of men and women who did amazing things for God! Today we’re going to hear about Peter and […]

Doves, wind and flame!

Hello everyone! Today we are looking at Pentecost. Anyone know what that means? Well, Pente means 50 and we celebrate it 50 days after Easter. Even better, it is when the Holy Spirit came to earth to be a helper for anyone who believes in Jesus. Pentecost is often called the birthday of the church […]

After Easter

Talk about it What did Thomas say when his friends told him Jesus was alive? Why do you think he wanted proof before he believed? What did Jesus say to Thomas when he saw him? How do you think Thomas felt then? Pray Thank you God that so many people saw Jesus after he had […]

Mary and the Lamb – Easter special

Hi everyone. Happy Easter! I hope you are enjoying the Easter season and the school holidays. Take a look at the video below for an introduction to our character this week – a lady from the Bible who features in the Easter story. Then watch this to hear the story starting from when Jesus was […]