Rocks & Topz are starting on a journey through the Bible, using Sally Lloyd-Jones' The Jesus Storybook Bible. Each child receives their own copy of this Bible when they've attended Rocks & Topz for 10 weeks.
This week they looked at the story of creation. They talked about how the world was empty, but God filled it up with good things! Each child drew or wrote something that they are thankful for in creation and used them in their prayers (see below).
They looked at how God started by making spaces (day and night, sea and sky, land with plants and trees) then filled the spaces with stars, birds and fish, animals and people. They used fingerprints to fill in all the blank spaces - it was messy but fun!
Think about: when you're outside this week, take time to notice some of the things God created. How many things can you spot? What's the biggest/smallest thing you can find?